Case Consultations for Professionals

Description of Available Consultation Types

Forensic Accountant Consultations 

Forensic accountants use auditing and investigative skills to produce evidence of financial exploitation for use in various legal proceedings. CEASe has contracted with a forensic accounting team who can provide elder financial exploitation case consults on numerous concerns, for example: 

  • Assisting with identifying the specific documents needed to develop the case 
  • Determining an appropriate timespan for the documents collected 
  • Reviewing documents and developing summaries 
  • Discerning elements of exploitation 

Geriatric Psychiatrist (Geropsychiatrist) Consultations 

Geriatric psychiatrists, also known as geropsychiatrists, are physicians who work with adults aged 60 and older. These providers specialize in diagnosing and treating mental disorders, including dementia, affective, anxiety, and personality disorders; late-life addictions; and psychoses. A number of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine geriatric psychiatrists are available through CEASe to provide elder abuse case consults on non-emergent geropsychiatric concerns, for example: 

  • Psychiatric diagnoses 
  • Memory disorders 
  • Capacity 
  • Medications, including psychotropic medications in the elderly 

Medical Consultations 

Physician Elder Abuse Specialists typically have additional geriatrics training, and many are geriatricians. They have expertise in assessing older adults for signs of elder mistreatment. A number of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medicine physicians are available through CEASe to provide elder abuse case consults on non-emergent medical concerns, for example: 

  • Review physical injury patterns for suspicious features 
  • Evaluate radiographic or laboratory findings for signs of abuse or neglect 
  • Interpret medical records 
  • Identify the role that medication use or misuse may be playing in a case 
  • Advise when emergent medical assessment is needed 

Social Work Consultations 

Social Work Elder Abuse Specialists have expertise in elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation cases. They are available through CEASe to provide case consults on an array of concerns, for example: 

  • Prevention, detection, and assessment of all types of elder mistreatment 
  • Interventions with victims and their family members 
  • Safety planning 
  • Advocacy 
  • Resources, including elder abuse multidisciplinary teams 

Civil Legal Consultations

Legal Elder Abuse Specialists have expertise in elder law. They are available through CEASe to provide case consults on an array of legal concerns, for example: 

  • Identifying additional information that may be needed to proceed with an action
  • Answering questions about the law and legal processes
  • Helping identify legal services to address a particular issue
  • Discussing the legal intricacies of guardianship

For more information about CEASe, please visit: (insert new website address) 

For more information about Case Consultations and EMDTs:

Grace Mei Lin Cheong, EMDT Program Manager

For Case Consultations on elder abuse, neglect, financial exploitation cases in all boroughs:
Case Consultation Line: 212-746-7211

For information workshops, trainings, and presentations to professionals:

Ayana Mortley, CEASe Training Coordinator